Kawasaki HPC400 Staffa Radial Piston Motor

Kawasaki HPC400 Staffa Radial Piston Motor

We are a leading supplier and repair service provider of Kawasaki HPC400 Staffa Radial Piston Motor within their entire sizes and models. HPC400 motors are commonly used in marine and offshore winch applications.


  • Series: HPC400
  • Variable Displacement
  • Model Sizes :  HPC400.
  • Nominal Pressure 250 bar
  • Maximum Pressure 275 bar

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Kawasaki HPC400 Staffa Radial Piston Motor is built with hydrostatic balancing techniques, available in high torque, low speed radial piston motors to produce great efficiency together with good breakout torque and smooth operating capability.

The HPC400 motor is made to meet the demands of 21st-century marine equipment makers. With the use of dual CETOP3 interfaces, the two eccentric drums of the HPC400 motor can be separately adjusted between high and low displacement settings.

The HPC400, a motor in the Staffa HPC family, has a rated torque of 25,000 Nm and a peak shaft power rating of 430 kW. It has the same dynamic displacement change, back pressure capabilities, and high beginning efficiency as the HPC range.



  • Maximum Continuous Power of 430 kW
  • Smooth Operation at Low Speed
  • Dynamic Displacement Change
  • Freewheel Option available with Rugged Staffa Design

Technical Specifications


Displacement Code 400 270 210 205 140 130 80 75 20 10
Displacement cc/rev 6,555 4,425 3,441 3,59 2,294 2,130 1,311 1,229 328 164
Displacement (Front Bank) cc/rev 3,277 3,277 3,277 3,277 1,147 1,147 1,147 1,147 164 82
Displacement (Rear Bank) cc/rev 3,277 1,147 164 82 1,147 983 164 82 164 82
Average actual running torque Nm/bar 100.0 66.1 51.3 50.1 34.1 31.4 19.6 18.1 3.6 0.0
Average actual mechanical efficiency % 95.9 93.9 93.7 93.7 93.4 92.6 93.9 92.5 69.0 0.0
Average actual start torque Nm/bar 91.6 60.0 44.0 42.7 26.9 23.5 11.4 10.2 / /
Average actual start efficiency % 87.8 85.2 80.3 79.9 73.7 69.3 54.6 52.1 / /
Max continuous speed rpm 220 220 220 220 460 460 460 460 630 1,500
Max continuous power kW 430 315 265 260 245 230 105 95 20 10
Max continuous pressure bar 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 10
Max intermittent pressure bar 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 20

Product Models

Model Sizes : Coming Soon