Rexroth A10VZO Axial Piston Variable Pump – Series 10

Rexroth A10VZO Axial Piston Variable Pump – Series 10

At Rexton Hydraulic is a leading supplier and repair service provider of Rexroth A10VZO Axial Piston Variable Pump – Series 10 along with their all sizes/ models. These are versatile pump known for high efficiency and performance.

  • Axial Piston Variable Displacement Pump
  • Series : A10VZO,
  • Sizes 10,18, 28, 45.
  • Nominal pressure 250/315 Bar
  • Maximum pressure 315/350 Bar
  • Sizes 71, 100, 140, 180.
  • Nominal pressure 280 Bar
  • Maximum pressure 350 Bar
  • Suitable for variable-speed Operation with synchronous and asynchronous motors In a Open circuit

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Rexroth A10VZO Axial Piston Variable Pump - Series 10 is developed with variable and fixed design that comes with axial piston rotary group in swashplate design for hydrostatic drives in open and closed circuits. These pumps are manufactured for the use in one, two and four-quadrant operations, suitable for start/ stop operations and a long press pressure holding operation.

Rexroth A10VZO is used in a wide range of mobile applications such as Agricultural equipment, Construction machineries, Presses, Injection moulding machines, Material handling systems, Machine tools and many others. These pumps provide optimum performance, high efficiency and low noise level for a smoother and optimum business operations. Designed with proven A10 rotary group technology, these pumps can provide nominal pressure up to 250-280 bar and maximum pressure up to 315-350 bar.

A10VZO pump series are a versatile pump, suitable for variable-speed operation with synchronous and asynchronous motors. These Variable Pump series are developed with through drive possibility, offers energy-efficient variable-speed drives and offer flexibility in system configurations​. These pump are available in various sizes from 3 to 180.

Technical Specifications

Technical Data









100 140 180
geometric, per revolution
Vg max cm³ 3.5 6 8 10.6 18 28 45 71.1 100 140 180
Nominal pressure pnom bar 250 250 250 250 315 315 315 280 280 280 280
Maximum pressure pmax bar 315 315 315 315 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Maximum speed at Vg max nnom rpm 3600 3600 3600 3600 3300 3300 3300 2250 2300 2200 1800
Flow at Vg max and nnom qV nom l/min 12.6 21.6 29 38 59 84 135 181 230 308 324
Power at qV nom and pnom P kW 5 10 15 16 84 107 143 151
Torque at Vg max and pnom M Nm 14 24 32 42 317 445 623 801
Weight (approx.) m kg 8 8 8 8 12 15 27 36.5 55 70 75.2

Product Models

Technical Data

Material Number Model Number
R902557878 A10VZO003EZ400/10R-VSC14N00H
R902557885 A10VZO003DR000/10R-VSC14N00H
R902557886 A10VZO006EZ400/10R-VSC14N00H
R902557880 A10VZO008EZ400/10R-VSC14N00H
R902544384 A10VZO010EZ400/10R-VSC14N00H
R902557888 A10VZO010DR000/10R-VSC14N00H
R902544060 A10VZO018EZ400/10R-VRC12N00H
R902557889 A10VZO018DR000/10R-VRC12N00H
R902547871 A10VZO028EZ400/10R-VRC12N00H
R902557890 A10VZO028DR000/10R-VRC12N00H
R902557891 A10VZO045DR000/10R-VRD12N00H
R902548677 A10VZO045EZ400/10R-VRD12N00H
R902557881 A10VZO071EZ400/10R-VRD12N00H
R902557892 A10VZO071DR000/10R-VRD12N00H
R902557882 A10VZO100EZ400/10R-VSD12N00H
R902557893 A10VZO100DR000/10R-VSD12N00H
R902557883 A10VZO140EZ400/10R-VSD12N00H
R902557894 A10VZO140DR000/10R-VSD12N00H
R902557884 A10VZO180EZ400/10R-VSD22N00H
R902557895 A10VZO180DR000/10R-VSD22N00H